While you can purchase less expensive machines to fill your facility, you will not get a better value for your money than our machines. The simple fact of the matter is that our machines deliver both ‘usefulness’ and ‘durability’ unmatched by other machines. Our machines have demonstrated themselves over the last few years to become the most popular machines per exercise function in every facility that they find themselves in, and, in addition, they have further demonstrated themselves (with little surprise) to be the most durable machines per exercise function in every place they have been placed.
We are confident that if you look at ‘value’ on the basis of ‘cost per repetition provided’, that you will find that the machines which we design and manufacture (by virtue of both their popularity and durability) are the most ‘valuable’ machines that you can own for your facility. Yes, you can purchase less expensive machines, but you cannot purchase a better ‘value’ in the field of plate-loaded muscle-building machines.
All salesmen give words and adjectives to describe the products that they sell; but in the end, there is no greater complement to a muscle-building-machine manufacturer than to have their products (or the concepts behind their products) copied by others. If you want to know who the true innovators are, do your homework, find out when concepts like utilizing a four-bar linkage to vary resistive-force on an exercise machine were first introduced and when such machines first started appearing on the market, and who first showed up with them at industry trade shows, and whose name is on the “utility” (not “design”) patents for such machines.
Others have words, we have the machines and technology. For those who know the state of plate-loaded muscle-building machines and designs which are presently on the market (and has been for 17 years now), we invite you to investigate the machines which we manufacture and try out the “cross axes technology” which Henry developed, and note to yourselves how our machines differ from other manufacturers’ machines and designs.
We don’t need to boast on our machine designs, the machines speak for themselves. Our growth has steadily increased over the last five years we have been in business. Our designs are already being copied by others (at least from a functional standpoint - as no one can match our construction), ...testifying that we have the superior designs.